Journal of Stem cell and Regenerative Medicine Vol7(1)

Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Vol. VII  Issue: 1

RSS Feed

1. Editorial

A Stem Cell-rescue Operation in a Nuclear Devastation
2011 Vol. 7 (1): p1 [HTML] [PDF ]

JSRM Code: 007010100001

2. Review Articles

Autologous Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Transplantation for Central Nervous System Disorders – Recent Progress and Perspective for Clinical Application

Kuroda S, Shichinohe H, Houkin K, Iwasaki Y
2011 Vol. 7 (1): p2-13 [HTML] [PDF ]

JSRM Code: 007010200002

Conditions of tumor-associated antigens as a proper target for therapeutic antibodies against solid cancers

Yoshikazu Kurosawa
2011 Vol. 7 (1): p14-28 [HTML] [PDF ]

JSRM Code: 007010200003

3. Original Articles

Defining Molecular Phenotypes of Mesenchymal and hematopoietic Stem Cells derived from Peripheral blood of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia patients for regenerative stem cell therapy (Article contributing to the cover image)

Pravin D. Potdar, Rambhadur P. Subedi
2011 Vol. 7 (1): p29-40 [HTML] [PDF ]

JSRM Code: 007010300004

Lentiviral Based Gene Transduction and Promoter Studies in Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells (hHSCs)

Nadimpalli Ravi S Varma, Branislava Janic, M Meser Ali, ASM Iskander, Ali S Arbab
2011 Vol. 7 (1): p41-53 [HTML] [PDF ]

JSRM Code: 007010300005

4. Brief Communicaton

Capturing the Regenerative Potential of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts (Article contributing to the cover image)

Christina Springstead Scanlon, Julie Teresa Marchesan, Stephen Soehren, Masato Matsuo, Yvonne L. Kapila
2011 Vol. 7 (1): p54-56 [HTML] [PDF ]

JSRM Code: 007010400006

8. Book Review

Regenerative Medicine from Protocol to Patient
Gustav Steinhoff et. al
ISBN 978-90-481-9074-4                     
e-ISBN 978-90-481-9075-1
DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-9075-1
Published by Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York
2011 Vol. 7 (1): p57-58 [HTML] [PDF ]

JSRM Code: 007010800007

8. Obituary

Dr.S.S.K. Marthandam (1941–2011)
2011 Vol. 7 (1): p59 [HTML] [PDF ]

JSRM Code: 007010800008