Isolation and culture of neural stem cells from murine foetal brain


Isolation and culture of neural stem cells from murine foetal brain

Nhung Hai Truong, Nhung Thi-Hong Dinh, Dung Minh Le, Linh Thuy Nguyen, Thanh Thai Lam, Ngoc Kim Phan and Phuc Van Pham*

Laboratory of Stem Cell Research and Application, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam


There are many mysteries of the nervous system and neurodegenerative diseases. Evidences showed that neural stem cells (NSCs) play a crucial role in recovering nervous system, although this was not sufficient due to lack of cell number. This research was carried out to isolate and culture NSCs from murine foetal brain and our NSCs were cultured as floating and multicellular neurospheres. The neurosphere has been consider as an excellent tool to investigate the differentiation and proliferation of NSCs. Propagation of NSCs in vitro was essential for understanding neural cell’s fate and supplying a promising source for cell therapy for neurodegenerative disease. Serum-free medium with mitogens, N2 and B27 supplement was appropriate for NSC culture. To characterize candidate cells, we assessed stemness and stem cell markers by sphere formation assay, differentiation assay, and immunocytochemistry. The results showed that NSCs could develop as floating spheres; they expressed stem cell- like characteristics and popular marker of neural stem cells-nestin, and differentiate into nerve cells. This population of cells was a promising source to studying neural stem cells and the treatment of neurodegenerative disease.

Keywords: Neural stem cells; neurospheres; murine foetal brain; neurodegenerative disease; stem cells

To cite this article: Truong NH, NTH Dinh, DM Le, LT Nguyen, TT Lam, NK Phan and PV Pham, 2014. Isolation and culture of neural stem cells from murine foetal brain. Res. Opin. Anim. Vet. Sci., 4(1), 24-29.