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Email: PeterTigr@gmail.com |
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A- Philosophy & Goals
The Biopharmaceutical Program aims to train students and researchers in advanced biological sciences for improvement of the pharmaceutical research and industry settings in response to medical issues of Vietnam. Its ultimate goals are (1) to establish innovative sciences of international standard for biopharmaceutical teaching and research of biologic drug developments; (2) to provide technical platforms for biopharmaceutical industry of Vietnam to modernize their production of high value biologics for treatment of the unmet medical disorders (i.e. cancer, diabetes, heart, autoimmune disorders) that are major health issues of the country.
The programs are designed for both R&D and industry production to strike the strategic balance between the economic imperatives of the pharmaceutical industry in Vietnam and a necessary academic agenda for advancement of international standard.
B- Programs
The Biopharmaceutical Program is an integral part of the Stem Cell Laboratories (SCL), and its projects are based on the establishments on modern biological sciences and methodologies of the SCL since its formation in 1998 (?) by Lecturer Ngoc Kim Phan, and associate Dr. Phuc Van Pham. Their pioneering and innovative approaches have led to the first generation and first class of biological sciences in stem cell research in Vietnam. Their laboratories have become a national program with priorities for developing into a Regenerative Research Institute of Vietnam. The Biopharmaceutical Program is designed within the development plan of the expected research institute.
In organizing our programs and laboratories, we will employ our training and research experiences of the combined background from prominent institutions of UCSF/USA, ANU (Australia National University), and biotech industry of SBI (Strategy Business International) /Japan. Our collaboration and colleagueship with research community in Vietnam over the years (which we were among the first to promote biotechnology in 1994) will provide valuable opportunity for developing this new program and approach. For detail information see attached profile.
We propose a core structure for the Biopharmaceutical Program as below:
I- Research Training: MS and PhD candidates. The candidates are selected upon completion of their required courses by the university; biopharm lab will sponsor and mentor the research thesis of their interest.
II- Research and Development (R&D):
1- Therapeutic & preventive vaccines: Employment of targeted and immunotherapies for development of biologic drugs for cancers and other unmet illnesses via making high profile compounds of monoclonal antibodies, cancer vaccine and cytokines of therapeutic quality. Novel vaccine synthesis via application of VLP technologies for higher specificities, safer application and economical production.
2- Drug screenings: Innovative toxicology involved stem cell technologies for drug development as well as evaluation of the traditional herbal medicines of Vietnam.
3- Pharmacogenomics: molecular and pharmacogenomics research to establish drug responses and safety profiling of the Vietnamese population.
III- Production & Service Group:
Drug pipelines, scale up technologies and production for non-clinical testing and clinical studies.
IV- Media Group: Promotion of current technologies and events of biopharmaceutical and biotechnologies via workshops, conferences, IT and networking approaches; organizing journal(s) and communication network to promote Vietnam biotech research to the international community.
C- Organization
– Head & PI: Thai D. Nguyen, PhD, B.S. Pharm.
– Associates: (Please add names and titles)
– Advisors & Collaborators: (TBA)
– Network: UCSF, UCLA, Univ. of Tokyo, A-IMBN, Univ. of Sydney, Univ. of Hong Kong and Bio-MAX (Seoul, Korea). In addition, we associate with NGOs including AEMI (Access to Essential Medicine Initiatives), HIP (Health Innovation in Practice) and Public Citizen Organizations to promote IP knowledge-based for R&D and production.
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